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Meet Brandy Miller of WoreStories Style Blog!

Updated: Sep 27, 2018

Hi, I'm Brandy Miller, the style and content curator of Wore Stories Style Blog. I possess an impeccable creative eye for styling everyday pieces and constructing timeless looks.

I grew up in the small country town of Fort Valley, Georgia. Unlike big city living, fashion and style weren’t easy to come by. However, I was fortunate enough to have a stylish mom who enjoyed matching clothing, shoes, and accessories in a way that intrigued me.

As soon as I was old enough to dress myself, I began mixing and matching patterns, to form my own identity. This, in turn, led to an insatiable love for fashion and an endless search for a style to call my own. Once I concurred my style, I was eager to share my knowledge with women of all shapes and sizes.

My genuine passion for inspiring, encouraging, and empowering women to be their true selves through fashion, was the driving force behind creating Wore Stories- my personal playground that allows me to unleash my stylish talent and creative ideas.

My ideas are fresh, relatable, and budget-friendly. These ideas help everyday women stay ahead of the fashion curve. Wore Stories is truly a visual space where all women can indulge in a style paradise! Enjoy!


Jacket: ASOS, Pants: ASOS Shoes: Steve Madden Ribbon Bow Brooch: Similar

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Oct 09, 2018

Very cute!!!


Sep 28, 2018

Congrats 🍾 Brandy!!!

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